Your complaint MUST be in writing – this includes fax and electronic submissions. If, however, this would be difficult for you (for example because of a disability or if English is not your first language) then please contact Democratic Services (whose contact details are above).
A complaints form is available on the Authority website or on request from the Democratic Services section ( If you wish to make a complaint you are encouraged to use this form although you may prefer to write a letter setting out your complaint. If you choose to write a letter, it is important that you include in it ALL of the following information:
- your name, address and other contact details (telephone number(s), e-mail address etc);
- your status (e.g. member of the public; local authority member; monitoring officer; Member of Parliament);
- for the purposes of the Authority’s ethnic monitoring, brief details of your ethnic origin (e.g. British; Irish; Other White Background; White and Black Caribbean etc);
- the name of the Member of the Fire and Rescue Authority who the complaint is about;
- details of the alleged misconduct with, where possible, dates, witness details and other supporting information.
- you have reasonable grounds for believing that you will be at risk of physical harm if your identity is disclosed; and/or
- you are an officer (i.e. an employee of the Authority or a constituent authority) who works closely with that Member who is the subject of your complaint and you are afraid of the consequences to your employment or of losing your job if your identity is disclosed; and/or
- you suffer from a serious medical condition and that there are medical risks associated with your identity being disclosed. In this event, the Audit Committee will require medical evidence of your condition.