MFRS King's Trust Team Programme

The King's Trust Team Programme is a 12-week course run at fire stations across Merseyside for young people aged 16 to 25 who are not in employment or education.

It aims to develop young people's skills to strengthen their job prospects. During the course they complete a week-long residential stay, a four-week community project and two weeks' work experience.

Teams of young people on the course also raise money for the community project which they complete during the course.

Teams currently operate from Bootle and Netherton Community Fire Station, Prescot Community Fire Station and Wallasey Community Fire Station.

If you are unemployed and uncertain of your future, then the King's Trust Team Programme could be for you.

You will, amongst other things:

  • Be part of a team of people for 12 weeks
  • Take on community projects of your choosing
  • Have an action-packed residential week 
  • Gain a placement for work experience
  • Gain First Aid awareness
  • Spread values about citizenship

What's in it for me?

  • Practical and social skills
  • Setting and achieving new goals
  • Career advice, job search, CV and interview techniques
  • The chance to make a difference in your community
  • A nationally recognised qualification
  • Increased employability or progression into education or training

By working with other organisations such as King's Trust, we can unlock young people's potential and improve their confidence, motivation, skills and job prospects.

The course has seen unemployed participants go on to jobs, training or education within three months of completion.

We want to help young people to get their lives working by giving them the opportunity to gain the skills and confidence they need to move on, and have fun in the process.

For further details call 0151 296 4000 or email

You can download this application form, complete it and return by email. 

Please note: the form includes an additional section for people who are referring a young person to complete. If you are applying for yourself, you do not need to complete the referral section.