In response to an incident in the early hours of 15 September 2020 at a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) site in Carnegie Road, Old Swan, Liverpool, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) completed a review of its response and as a result identified a number of improvements to the site which would enhance future safety of firefighters and the general public, and also reduce potential impact on the environment in the event of any future incident.
Cobalt Energy, working in partnership with the BESS project owner Orsted, have acted to improve the site based on the recommendations from MFRS and have co-operated fully with the Service to ensure safety at the site is of a high standard.
The recommendations made to assist the industry in the management of this and similar types of sites have been used to develop national guidance which encourages a safe site philosophy, shared learning for fire & rescue services and improved safety across the country.
The recommendations made by MFRS should be considered by those responsible for the management and regulation of sites and when they are developing proposals. Fire & rescue services are advised to also consider the recommendations when working with persons responsible for the sites to ensure firefighter safety and reduction of risks.
The improvements at the Carnegie Road site include a Safety Information Box (SIB), which contains plans and a description of the building, information about the use of the site, significant risks and details of key personnel with emergency contact details.
The SIB also contains an evacuation strategy within the local area, construction and layout details including emergency access points, isolation and fire safety systems, alarms and suppression systems and an environmental protection plan.
In addition to this further enhanced safety systems have been introduced which would be available to MFRS on site in the event of an incident, including a traffic light system regarding internal conditions and an external fire service coupling to each container drenching system.
Group Manager and Alternative Fuels and Energy Systems lead officer John O’Boyle said:
“Working in partnership with Cobalt Energy and Orsted, I am pleased to say the recommendations in our significant incident report have been carefully considered and implemented at the site resulting in a substantial and ongoing improvement to safety.
“We are also pleased that the observations in our report have been included in the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) guidance on such incidents which will contribute to shared learning about new technology in fire & rescue services across the country.
“As energy needs and solutions change rapidly, it is essential that the introduction of new technology is done with safety for everyone as the first consideration. In working co-operatively with the Fire & Rescue Service the safety at this site has been significantly enhanced.”