Industrial/Retail Building Fire, Southport


Location: Southport

Crew have been called to a fire at an industrial estate on Russell Road in Southport this evening. 

Crews were alerted at 8.11pm and on scene at 8.18pm. Four fire engines are in attendance. 

Crews arrived to find an industrial unit around 50 metres by 20 metres on fire. Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus using a main branch hose are fighting the fire with more firefighters tackling the fire with high pressure hose reel jets at the side and rear of the building. The incident has been divided into sectors.

There is a significant mount of smoke being generated by this fire, residents and businesses in the vicinity should keep doors and windows closed. People with existing health conditions should keep medicines nearby and if any ill effects are experienced ring NHS 111 for advice.

Merseyside Police are in attendance assisting with traffic control - please avoid the area. The incident is ongoing. 

UPDATE: 10.30pm 

The incident is now being scaled down to two fire engines- fan ventilation, damping down and checking for hot spots is in progress.

UPDATE: Friday, 22 April, 10am

Crews remained on scene, damping down and ensuring the fire was fully extinguished.

The scene was handed over to Merseyside Police at 23.31.