Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority (MFRA) has today published two reports in relation to its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Equality Analysis of Workforce and Employment Data as of 31st March 2019
The purpose of this report is to provide equality analysis of workforce data held
by Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority (MFRA) to meet the requirements of the
Equality Act 2010, Public Sector Equality Duty. This report is published
annually and provides detailed charts, tables and narrative to support our
analysis of the changes within our workforce.
The analysis provides an overview of the last three years from 2016/17 to
2018/19 in relation to the number of staff in post during that period. We are
required to publish these figures based on a headcount not on full time
equivalent posts, so some of these staff (particularly support staff) will be part
time. These figures son not include the operational staff who also have retained
contracts which increases the availability of staff.
You can view the report - http://mfrs-dgov/documents/s15952/Appendix%201%20Equality%20Analysis%20of%20Workforce%20and%20Employment%20Data%20as%20at%2031st%20March%202019.pdf?$LO$=1
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report April 2018 to March 2019
This report provides a detailed account of how we have progressed against
our ED&I strategic objectives and how we have implemented our plans during the
last year.
You can view the report - http://mfrs-dgov/documents/s15950/Appendix%201%20Equality%20Diversity%20Inclusion%20Annual%20Report%20April%202018%20-%20March%202019.pdf?$LO$=1
Equality & Diversity Reports published
Equality & Diversity Reports published
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