Each summer our external auditors conduct a full and detailed examination of the draft accounts and report their findings to the Authority’s Audit Committee, which then approves the audited accounts. The final audited accounts are then published on this website, along with the audit opinion.
The Accounts and Audit (Amendment) Regulations 2021 require that the audited 2020/21 accounts and related audit opinion are published by 30th September 2021.
As at 30th September 2021 the council’s external auditor, Grant Thornton UK LLP, has not yet completed the audit of the 2020/21 accounts due to external issues beyond their control. The 2020/21 Statement of Accounts published on 02/07/2021 is the original unaudited version and can be accessed by clicking here.
When the audit opinion is issued, the audited and approved accounts will be published on this page as soon as practicable.