Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) is urging residents to help prevent their household wheelie bins becoming targets for arsonists over the Bonfire period.
Arson attacks on wheelie bins and refuse containers in the Merseyside area have nearly increased in the last five years around Bonfire night, with 79 incidents taking place over the bonfire period last year, almost double the number of incidents during the same period in 2014 when 41 were recorded.
Domestic refuse bins can become easy fire targets outside properties particularly if they are left out after collection days.
This year, since the start of October, crews from MFRS have dealt with 26 fires linked to wheelie bins and refuse containers across Merseyside.
With the risk of arson attacks on wheelie bins likely to increase in the next week during the run up to Bonfire night itself, residents are being asked to be extra vigilant and keep their bins in safe areas.
Station Manager Joe Cunliffe said: “The risk of wheelie bins being targeted during the run up to Bonfire night has increased in recent years and the figures in Merseyside in 2019 reflect that.
“Incidents like this are the result of irresponsible and dangerous behaviour, putting both the lives of residents and the safety of their properties at risk.
“We would urge local residents to take care in helping to minimise the risk of their bins being targeted. Only put your bin out on the day of collection and bring it back in immediately. Store it in a safe area away from windows and doors if possible.”
For fire safety advice, or if you do not have working smoke alarms in your property, call 0800 731 5958. For more tips on staying safe this Halloween & Bonfire, check out Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service’s Facebook (@MerseyFire), Twitter (@MerseyFire), Instagram (@Mersey_Fire) and YouTube (@MerseyFire) or visit