Fire Safety Act 2021

The Fire Safety Act 2021 has four articles.

1. Premises to which the Fire Safety Order applies

2. Power to change premises to which the Fire Safety Order applies

3. Risk based guidance about the discharge of duties under the Fire Safety Order

4. Extent, commencement and short title

In the case of multi-occupied residential buildings, the Fire Safety Act puts beyond doubt that structure, external walls and flat entrance doors fall within the scope of the Fire Safety Order. The Fire Safety Act requires Responsible Persons to ensure that these elements are included in their fire risk assessments.

The Fire Safety Act 2021 can be read on the website [external link opens in new window]

A risk prioritisation tool has been created for Responsible Persons to develop a prioritisation strategy for updating their fire risk assessments following commencement of section 1 of the Fire Safety Act.  It is not mandatory but it may assist in demonstrating compliance if enforcement action is considered.  Further information on this can be found within The Fire Safety Act commencement prioritisation guidance.