If you are an employee, this page gives you a summary of your main rights and responsibilities.
For further information on your rights and responsibilities, please refer to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
If you have any doubts about your legal obligations, you should seek independent legal advice.
As an employee:
- You are entitled to the provision of adequate fire safety measures on the premises to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, your safety from harm caused by fire.
- You are entitled to appropriate instruction (and training where necessary) about any risks identified on the premises, fire safety measures provided and what to do in the event of a fire.
- You must take reasonable care to ensure the workplace is safe from harm caused by fire and do nothing that will place yourself or others at risk.
- You must inform your employer (or a fellow employee with specific fire safety responsibilities), of anything relating to the premises which could represent a serious and immediate fire safety danger; of anything which you reasonably consider represents a shortcoming in the employer's fire safety protection arrangements; or in the event of fire.
- You must co-operate with your employer, so far as is necessary, to allow them to comply with their fire safety responsibilities.