The biggest cause of fire in shops and retail premises is someone deliberately starting a fire – arson.
You can protect your business from arson at low cost.
- Fences around the premises should be at least two metres tall
- Windows and doors should be fitted with strong locks
- Keep items than can burn away from your building
- Empty skips and bins regular
- Keep items that can burn away from your building
- Cut back bushes and trees regularly so they don’t get too close to your building
- Have a close down plan at the end of the day so someone secures the building and deals with any risks
What you have to do by law
If you manage or operate a business, you will need to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
As the responsible person, you must:
- Carry out a fire risk assessment of the premises, review it regularly and ensure that it is held on the premises and is always available for inspection
- Tell staff about any risks that you identify
- Put in place and maintain appropriate fire safety measures
- Plan for an emergency and record your plan
- Provide staff with information, instruction and training
Read our 'Safer Business' leaflet here for more tips on keeping your business safe from arson.
You can read about how to make your premises safe from fire here.